Minister Keke had several points, but two caused me to stop and ask a member beside me for a pen and paper.
"Devotion without emotion is short-lived."Emotion is the BEing. Your being gives life and passion to purpose. Without it, you are but a corpse - dead man walking. So, how do I infuse my dream with my being?
My truest self is passionate about authenticity. Not playing a role or living a fictitious life. I remember spending countless hours in the library, reading self-help, psychology type books, articles or anything I could get my hands on. Another expression of my being resists boxes, constructs, restrictions. I seek to climb higher. To see broader. To breathe deeper. To experience richer. To uncover what's hidden. Third, my being longs for connection. Connection with my core. Connection with my God. Connection with others. Outside of that, there is no motivation. No devotion. Just going through the motions.
"Manifestation is not complete without declaration."What is the spiritual part of me declaring? Doesn't matter how many people are writing the same things, there is an audience for my BEing. No one writes like me. No one puts words together as I do. I am to write about the Truth that has been revealed to me. Topics that connect us on a human level. Topics that evoke honesty. Honesty with one's self. Honesty with God. Honesty that holds us to a higher standard of living, experiencing and relating. This is the only road to manifestation.
No empty declarations. To the untrained ear, it might sound substantive; but many of us declare out of lack or desperation. We don't have enough money. To this, we declare that "the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just." But is it of faith? Naw, cause our minds are filled with dread. Rather than declaring out of fullness or the revelation of our Being, we become like The Cowardly Lion on the Wizard of Oz, shaking and quivering. "I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do!" It is nervous, uncertain, anxiety-ridden. On the other hand, when we know who we are, we can say as Caleb and Joshua, "we are well able to take the land."
Hence, my mission statement: To write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.