Who says I'm too old to write? Probably the same folks who say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or the ones who say you can't find love after 40. To this, I say, I am reinventing myself at 50. I have found love at 50. And, I am 50 times a writer! My mission is to write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nu Brilliance Microdermabrasion System

I’m not a person who normally watches the Home Shopping Channel or others where they are selling the latest gadget or anti-aging cream – there’s a but coming – but I couldn’t resist Nu Brilliance. You know how it is. You’re pitling along with the TV playing in the background. Someone is trying out new workout equipment swearing that this one is THE ONE, right? Well, this particular morning it was the commercial for Nu Brilliance. I can’t say that it was the celebrity endorsement or that it claimed to be the best microdermabrasion system out there. What struck me was the vacuum feature. This little gizmo not only exfoliated your skin but had a suction. Hum, I thought, I bet that sucker can pull those wrinkles right out. Obviously, I have no experience.  I haven't been to a salon. I've had no facials.  I don’t know what the latest techniques are. But I was intrigued.

So I did the unthinkable!  I called the 1-800 number. In the back of my mind I knew there had to be a catch. After all, this system couldn’t be the best thing since sliced bread and only cost $14.95. Quite the contrary, $14.95 was the in-tro-duc-tory amount. Cutting to the chase, I asked the operator how much the system was. Of course, she answered with her spill, “You can use the system for 30 days. If you aren’t fully satisfied, you can return it. We won’t charge you.” Yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought. “But how much is it if I choose to keep the system?” I asked. “The cost of the system is $239.85 but we'll divide it into 3 easy payments.” My head began to spin!  Then I had a thought.  I'll use it for 30 days then return it lickety-split.  “It comes with free skin care.” Oookay, I thought. “And we’ll automatically send you a 60-day supply for $56.90.” “No, no, no,” I interrupted. “No 60 day supply.”

Back to the system. I did order it. What can I say, aging will make you do some strange things. I wanted to see if this suction thingy would work on my developing wrinkles taking over my forehead.  Besides, the exfoliating tip worked on other parts of your body that reveal your age:  your neck, hands, elbows, even that thick skin that develops above your elbows.  But the crème de la crème --your feet! My ashy husky feet!  This tool could replace my pumice stone and save me trips to the nail salon for a pedicure. Oh joy!

The system arrived in about 5 days.  You would have thought I would have tore right in and start using the system immediately.  I didn't.  It wasn't until last night, almost a week later, that I took it out of the box.  I listened to the DVD in its entirety, as advised, then took it for a spin. Even on the low setting, you could feel that vacuum action.  The DVD made it look almost effortless, but real time was a little more challenging.  I reminded myself of what I heard on the DVD:  brace the skin and stroke in the opposite direction.  It got a little easier.  I'm happy to report that I didn’t overdo the treatment or suck the skin off my face. That’s a good thing…lol!  I know this is gonna sound kinda hokie, but it really worked.  The next morning, I ran to the mirror.  My skin had a glow to it.  It was smoother and the wrinkles across my forehead had diminished significantly. Honest!  This little thing might end of being worth its weight in gold. I’ve got 3 more weeks to try it, so I’m going to really really make the effort.  Who knows, it might be worth the cost. The real test is gonna be my feet.  I’ll keep you posted. Latta!

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