Who says I'm too old to write? Probably the same folks who say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or the ones who say you can't find love after 40. To this, I say, I am reinventing myself at 50. I have found love at 50. And, I am 50 times a writer! My mission is to write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Creating a Buzz

When you do what you're born to do, it isn't work.  Yesterday was my rest day.  But rather than lay on the couch watching talk shows, game shows and soaps, I worked on my businesses.  I'm not a marketing guru neither do I have a PR agent so I prayed for God, the Ultimate marketing guru and PR agent, to give me some ideas.  Using social media and the Secretary of State list of corporations, I sent information about my businesses out into the cyberworld. 

Sometimes it's not so much in the who or the what but in the doing.  The creating a buzz is what I call it.  I didn't know half the people or the corporations that I forwarded information to. I don't know if my introductions sounded contrived or like a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.  All I know is that I did something. I made steps to get the word out that Suzette is in business.  Like a barber taking his towel and knocking the hair off the barber chair in preparation for the next customer, I was telling the world I am ready for my next customer. 

I believe the wisdom needed is activated when you create a buzz.  It helps you to recognize the opportunities that your buzz creates.  Just the few days ago, a friend came to me with a problem.  She knew what she was born to do but admitted to feeling intimidated and afraid.  As I encouraged her, the idea came for me to coach her.  I didn't have it on my mind.  I wasn't looking for it at all.  The motivator in me was in full swing and it just happened.  "I'll be your life coach," I told her and she happily agreed.  Last night was our first session.  It was GREAT!   She was ready and so was I.  As I stood in my authenticity, the wisdom came and we both recognized the moment.

I know most coaches would warn you against coaching friends.  I wholeheartedly concur if, and I say if, you or your friends aren't able to distinguish between the coaching relationship and your friendship.  In this case, neither of us had that problem.  She was about business.  So was I.  The business of moving towards the fulfilling and purpose-driven life she knew was hers. The business of no longer accepting the roadblocks both internally and externally that had held her up in the past. How courageous she was!  She made me bring my A game...lol.  I LOVED it!

Another moment where wisdom was in full swing was related to a church I was considering providing musical services for.  I was to get back in touch with them after checking my calendar to see if I could play for their choir this Sunday.  In the course of the conversation, I became aware of something.  Sometimes decisions aren't made immediately.  Sometimes you create experiences that will help you to make the right decision.   

With respect to this local church, the first experience was to attend a worship service.  Before accepting the job, I wanted to get a feel for the environment.  I needed to sit in attendance and absorb what was going on around me.  Wisdom required that.  I've learned it is a serious mistake to jump at the first thing just because of the potential.  Observing things is a step we often fail to take that can cost us big later on.

Secondly, especially if working with a choir, I think it is important to either attend a choir rehearsal or, if there is an opening, to actually play for a choir prior to accepting the job.  For me, this second experience is necessary for clarity.  I need to know what I have to work with and if it has the capacity to nourish my Purpose.  It also demonstrates your abilities to the people you are considering serving.  

I've seen it happen repeatedly that the decision makers tend to be more open and willing to negotiate when they've heard you play.  An instance of that happened.  After the worship service ended, the pastor told me he wanted to talk; however, he was in the midst of shaking the hands of parishioners and visitors.  I contemplated sitting down to wait but remembered my dress was too short for me to feel comfortable on the front row.  Soooo, rather than appearing to pace, I walked over to the keyboard and hit a couple of notes.  Before I knew it, a lady walked up and asked if I knew how to play a song and began singing it.  Talk about creating a buzz!  As I played for her, we became the focus.  Without my planning it that way, the church went from an idea of me as a Musical Director to an experience of what I could offer them.   

Creating a buzz happens in many ways.  Before clients invest in your product or service, they have to not only know that you exist but they have to want what you're offering.  You have to be savvy and strategic, yes; but I'm not speaking of ego.  I'm speaking of Purpose.  I'm speaking of doing what you were born to do.  Purpose strategically presents opportunities and Wisdom helps you to be savvy in how you respond.  I heard someone put it this way, "A miracle happens when preparation meets opportunity."