Who says I'm too old to write? Probably the same folks who say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or the ones who say you can't find love after 40. To this, I say, I am reinventing myself at 50. I have found love at 50. And, I am 50 times a writer! My mission is to write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who Else But Oprah

On last week, I watched Oprah’s Wildest Dreams Come True Show.  As God is my witness, at the end of this her final season, if they offer a commemorative DVD collection, I’m going to run not walk to get it.  I sat and cried crocodile tears as I watched audience members be blessed beyond their wildest imaginings.
I don’t know if you saw the original show where she interviewed the woman who lost her limbs due to a flesh-eating bacteria.  Well, in grand Oprah style, she brought this woman and her family back to the show.  They had been living in a small rental apartment with a little bathtub.  Hardly the accommodations anyone would wish for but even more challenging for this woman with her unique needs.  As if her struggle wasn’t enough, her husband lost his job.  It was amazing to me that she showed no signs of stress when discussing her handicap, but her eyes filled with tears and her eyes showed such fear of not knowing what would happen to them when she talked about her husband’s misfortune. 
Oprah apologized to her.  Evidently, when the camera crew came to her house, one of the cameramen broke one of her chairs.  This dear lady was more concerned for the cameraman.  “He got hurt,” she said.  Little did she know that her life was about to change.  Oprah offered to replace the chair and said she had found a friend to help her.  This is when she called out, “Nate Berkus!”  He came onto the stage to loud applause carrying her replacement chair. 
Oprah hugged her, as she often does her audience members, told the woman that the show as about Wildest Dreams.  Her eyes grew larger and so did those of her family.  None of them knew the real reason they were there.  They probably thought it was simply a follow up story about her condition to inspire other people who struggled with handicap.  Oprah continued to unravel for her the true purpose for her and her family being guests on the show.  She announced that she and Nate were teaming up to buy them a home.  The audience erupted while her oldest daughter's eyes filled with tears.  Annnnnnnnnnd, the home would be fully accessible for her special needs.  In short she wouldn’t have to ask her younger daughter to open the “child-proof” kitchen cabinets.  The lady leaned on Oprah as if she was about to fall.  Annnnnnnnd, Nate and the good friends at Lowe’s were going to completely decorate the home from top to bottom.  In Oprah’s words, “There will be beauty in the house.  For I believe your house should rise to meet you, when you enter it.”  Tears, tears and more tears of joy!
This was only one of the mouth-dropping, eye-bulging, heart-pounding dreams come true that Oprah and her connection of friends gave to those attending today’s show.   What a WONDERFUL gift God has granted Oprah Winfrey.  The gift of joyous, uninhibited giving!
And to those naysayers that complain about Oprah being a sell out or choosing to bless people of a different race rather than her own, I say “shame on you!”  In my opinion, it is very small minded to typecast or box someone’s calling in life to fit one's own preferences.   She has God's favor and favor ain’t fair.  Even Jesus didn’t heal everybody.  I admire her very much and appreciate that she is showing America how to extend kindness with connection!  Who else but Oprah would make her farewell season a celebration of giving.  Who else but Oprah would make the viewers and the audience her chief concern.  Who else but Oprah!