Who says I'm too old to write? Probably the same folks who say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or the ones who say you can't find love after 40. To this, I say, I am reinventing myself at 50. I have found love at 50. And, I am 50 times a writer! My mission is to write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Since my tyrade this morning, I've had a chance to calm.  Still feelin down, but I know that I must stay open in order to sense, to feel, to recognize the answers to my condition.  I truly believe that if we keep asking, seeking and knocking, what we wish to know will be revealed.  Soooo, I've been attentive to my body.  Maybe a little hypervigilant but I prefer to call it attentive.

That hot feeling to my throat has persisted through early evening.  It's 2:17pm now.  I have noticed some things.  First, I notice that when I drink water, there is no discomfort.  My throat feels just fine.  It's not swollen.  Not hard to swallow.  Water actually feels good going across my throat.

My second revelation is a bit more lengthy.  I'll try not to be too wordy.  I'll give you the cliff-note version.  I ate turkey sausage, a fried egg and a bran muffin for breakfast.  Zero in on bran muffin.  Maybe I have too much fiber in my diet.  I do recall my GI doctor saying that eating cooked food might be best for a while.  Passing thought.  Anyway, as I sought to follow this lead, I read that some people are sensitive to barley, wheat and certain other grains.  As I reflect, my throat discomfort worsened as I ate that multi-grain bread this morning.  Dang, that bran muffin probably didn't help.  I'll ask my ND what her thoughts are when we have our session tomorrow. 

Lastly, and quite bizarrely, I notice that my hoarseness is not as bad.  When I answered the telephone this morning with my normal, "Good afternoon, this is Mi-Co," my voice was stronger.  Not as raspy.  Not breaking up like a bad phone connection.  This too, I will talk with my ND about.

Throat burn, less hoarseness.  No throat burn, increased hoarseness.  Things that make you go ummmmmm.

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