So much for our little snow event. From where I'm looking, there is no evidence of it. The roads have that soaked gloss but even the water has been lapped up by the sunshine. Oh well.
It's been three weeks. So much is happening in my life. Sadly, I spent the latter half of last week helping my mom as her husband of 9 years passed away. It was interesting to me that my mom was most concerned about others, not herself. It is of no surprise though. My mom has always put others before herself. I find it one of her most admirable qualities. Of course, her child would. However, the now grown daughter only wants her to enjoy her remaining years.
It's these kinds of profound life events that bring perspective to your life. I am 53 which at age 11 seemed ancient. Almost fossil-like, actually. Surprisingly, except for puffy eyes and a few wisps of lines across my forehead, I think I look pretty good. That's just typography though. My Wiser Self knows that time is precious and the clock is ticking.
Reinforces for me how I want to spend my time. I work. I love to work. This season of life however has been about how I work. I know that doing one thing all the time becomes mundane. I like the eclectic nature of my lifeforce. What lifes me is the freedom of picking and choosing. I like the project nature of things. That's the entrepreneur in me. Certainly I know the city I live in: administrative, music and coaching. But there are so many avenues. So many streets I can take to get from Point A to Point B. That's what I like. I get to choose my path. I'm working hard to get to that freedom of choice: if it resonates with me, I do it: if it doesn't, I don't.
That's why I'm thankful for my Business Strategist. She understands how I work. She is pulling out my marketable qualities to create products that will give me a steady stream of revenue. That's so important. Most of us entrepreneurs do our thing without having a strong financial foundation to stand on. We end up getting in goo gobs of debt and constantly having to chase the next moneymaking involvement--whether it rings true or not. This is not why we do what we do. We want freedom. That's the whole point. So, I'm grateful for the vision she brings.
In fact, part of that vision is my book. Yep, I'm writing a book. My Business Strategist gave me 30 days to get it done. For some, this might be impossible; but not me. I am ready, willing and able for the challenge. To that end, I'll say goodbye for now. Got lots to do!!!
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