The closer the book launch gets the more accelerated things are becoming. Interimly however, I've heard such great well-wishes from folks. Some believe that the book is going to be a best seller and have encouraged me to imagine it, claim it, look for it and all the other it's. Despite my efforts to mindmeld with the faith of what they are saying, something inside of me has been resisting it. I didn't fully understand. When I first felt that resistance, I attributed it to not wanting to be disappointed. You know how we do. We believe that if we don't get our hopes up, we won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen. Now that I have had time to get centered and tune in to my Wise Self, I believe I understand why there is a caution.
I have to keep my ego in check. I'm no different from the next person in that. I just strive to stay conscious to what trips me up or takes me out of that centered place. When I move from cooperating with my Wiser Self to having to prove something, it takes me out of authentic grace to fear-induced anxiety. It's so easy to slip back. I am very mindful of that. A main message of my book is to tune in to the sound of your wiser voice. Not the ego voice. Not the voice of society. Not the voice of the overachiever. That pure voice that knows what you must do, when you must do it, and taps you on the shoulder when it's time.
That voice never leads you wrong. It has no other agenda but to move you from where you are to Something Greater. Isn't that wonderful! It leads and guides without forethought of what other people will think or if you will fail. It simply beckons you to follow it. Above all that my ego can fathom - which normally is material in some way, shape or form - the purest part of me simply wants to live in harmony with that voice. So, honestly, I don't care what vehicle the God of the Universe has selected to take me there. I truly believe the book plays a part but I'm not certain of how yet. So, I don't want to read into it, I just want to be ever hearing and ever following the sound. Freedom to follow the sound of my own voice--yes! No limits. No boundaries. Just imagining it in my God-likeness and doing all that that imagination evokes. That is it.
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