Who says I'm too old to write? Probably the same folks who say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or the ones who say you can't find love after 40. To this, I say, I am reinventing myself at 50. I have found love at 50. And, I am 50 times a writer! My mission is to write, out of my Being, words that illuminate and evoke honesty, liberty and connection.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tapping Into the Joy

When I woke up this morning, I was so tired.  The adrenalin of last week, gone!  It's my fault.  I was so enmeshed in prelaunch details last week that I didn't eat like I was suppose to.  I didn't take my vitamins for two days straight.  And I stayed up nightly past 12 midnight.  So not the right thing to do.  Trust, my body is letting me know it now. 

I've got a lot to do; yet, trying to urge my body from underneath those covers on a beautiful Saturday morning, not!  Rather than fight with myself, I called my sister on the phone and sang happy birthday to her.  We talked and that was energizing.  She read to me Debbie Ford's words that she had found online.  We went to her website and breathed them in together.  Such a dynamic woman who transitioned into eternity just a couple of weeks ago.  She was 57.  I hate I didn't follow her journey while she was alive.  Nevertheless, she has left quite a legacy for all who remain.  Such a rich life!

Life isn't about a laundry list of things to do, but simply being out loud. 

No Debbie didn't write that, I just did.  That was fresh out of my awareness.  As I reflect back to earlier this week, I got seduced back into the urgency of the doing.  The more I made that my focus, the more tired I became.  Trying to finalize the book cover, we did edit after edit after edit until I felt us all losing steam.  In that moment, I heard my Wise Self say, "It's not about perfection."  In that moment, I was reminded of what I already knew.  Perfect covers don't sell books.  So I breathed and released it. 

Same thing with trying to select just 15 images when there are 152 phenomenal photographs to choose from.  I solicited help of friends and my Business Strategist to help me to narrow it down.  As life would have it, none of us had the same tastes or the same preferences.  Again, my Wise Self intervened, "What is it about you that you want people to see?  What pictures best capture that?"  So, I'm forwarding those selections to the photographer.  Besides, it's not like he's going to destroy the others.  So I breathed and released it.   

Herein lies the self monitoring function of your Wise Self.  He or she reminds you of the bigger intention.  What's most important in the grand scheme of your life.  Having taken a step back, I see that the more caught up I got in doing, the more my ego was taking center stage.  And the more my ego took center stage, the less mindful I became of me.  My ego was draining me, concentrating on all that stuff.  The brief station break with my sister brought me back.  I felt the joy of the moment.  It reminded me of the joy I feel when I am centered and rested.  All that needs to be done gets done.   

So I have declared this as flow with it day.  Nothing forced, just tapping into the joy and letting that effervesce in whatever way it chooses.  And I will stop to eat. 

1 comment:

  1. Breathe and Release. That is what I hear as I read and appreciate your lovely way of bringing a warm, blanket-hot chocolate moment to experience time with me this morning. Sometimes busy-ness comes from escalating he flow of energy to birth the beginnings of a legacy. But like the river runs into the calm and the ocean ebbs and flows, so must we. I breathe. I release.
